Moving things around, painting, cleaning, and spiffing up. We have dear friends from Germany arriving Friday who will stay with us for ten days. We met them when we taught a week long tango workshop in Umbria in Italy (we did this for a wonderful three years in a row). Subsequently they hosted a tango workshop for us in Hamburg, Germany where they live, so it is so nice to have them come and visit us in New Orleans.

Before Marilyn moved in
I silver leafed the lamp on the right and changed out the shades

I moved Marilyn in and silver leafed a floor lamp in the living room. I also painted a little junky table I had, following the explicit directions for The Bayou Contessa, who has much experience doing this.

The table got a light sanding.
Then a coat of XIM primer (also recommended by Optimism and White Paint professional faux painter Mitchell). I was told it's very stinky so take the project outdoors.
Then the Contessa says she paints every piece of furniture with a first coat of brown called Texas Leather. Okay.
Then on goes the color I chose, the ever popular China White
Two coats later with sanding and steel wool in between, and a little accent painting with the brown paint, a little knocking back some of the white, and it was done. It took a few days to allow each coat to dry, so if you're in a hurry you are out of luck.
And here it is insitu looking as cute as it can be! Thanks Contessa for the tutorial!
Also, New Orleans bloggers Save The Date Saturday March 28 for a very special evening. Please send me your e-mail if you'd like to be included
And if anyone will be visiting New Orleans then, please let me know so you can join us.


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